
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

[APP][2.2+] Gravity Screen > Turn Screen On/Off Automatically - Keep Screen On

In the words of its developer "I was tired of pressing the power button whenever I need my phone for a second. Thus I created the Gravity Screen Off app which can turn automatically the screen ON when I grab my phone and turn it OFF when I put it into my pocket or onto a table. Basically, no need to touch any button and you are ready to go. "


The app turns the screen off by monitoring the orientation of the device through the gravity sensor. When your phone is pointing downward by its top, below a certain angle, it's likely to be out of use. In this situation the proximity sensor is activated to determine if it is covered. If yes, the screen turns off because probably you placed the phone into your pocket or onto a table.
The screen turns on when you lift up your phone. The phone wakes up if the proximity sensor is uncovered or if it was not covered the app is looking for movements to detect the action.
The Keep Screen On feature based on screen orientation and motion detection as well. If the device is pointing upward and small movements are detected it's probably held in hand and the screen timeout is extended.


- Pocket Sensor: Recognizes if your phone is in your pocket. By turning your phone below the angle you set, it'll prepare to turn the screen off.

- Table Sensor: Detects your phone is lying on a table and turns the screen off.

- Turn Screen On by Motion: If the screen is off and it's facing up the device can be woken up by any movements (ex. lift up by hand) according to the sensitivity set.

- Keep Screen On by Motion: It's a Screebl like feature but it's relying on the small movements you are doing by your hand while holding the phone. If small motions are detected while the screen is facing up the feature keeps the screen on because it can be suspected that the phone is held and probably you are reading something. If the phone is steady the timeout will work as normal in any position you leave your device unlike in another apps.

- Turn Screen On by Proximity: Turns the screen On when you take your phone out from your pocket and Off when you put it back. By swiping your finger over the proximity sensor the phone can be woken up as well.

- Turn Screen Off by Proximity: If the device is pointing downward it takes the proximity sensor into account. By turning this off the program will rely only on the gravity sensor.

- Tasker, Llama, Locale supported by plug-in.

- 3 widgets: (available in Unlocked version)
(i) pause/resume
(ii) turn screen off: It's like pressing the power button
(iii) turn screen off persistently: turn screen off and keep it off until power button is pressed. It's good when you have to keep the phone in your hand or while driving and do not want the screen turned on by the app. After pressing the power button it will work as before.
- Power Toggles plug-ins


You can set the app to minimize the energy consumed by the screen and by this you can extend your battery life. Or you can extend your own life by using another features of the app In the first case the battery usage should be not significant. I experienced about 7 per cent extra consumption on the test device. However it can be higher if you are activating often the Turn Screen On by Motion feature by leaving your device face up on table and you set a relatively long timeout for the feature.


On some devices if it's lying face down the alarm clock is switched off by the app after it had gone off! Please check if it's the case for you. If, yes, use a third party app, for example:


Gravity Screen 1.82.0


Probably not all feature will work for everyone. It was tested so far mainly on Samsung devices with stock rom. If you think it does not work for you, please read the FAQs below or report your issue in this thread.


If you have an issue, do NOT post it until you read the FAQ below and try to solve it alone by trying different settings for some hours. If still no solution, please write all your settings in your question otherwise your question will be ignored.


In the Pro version, there is no 15 minutes limit for turning the screen on by motion and the Table sensor can be set more precisely. Unlocked version has everything what Pro has, plus it has an Exclude App list, a more advanced Delayed lock option and Widgets.

Change log:

- - v1.80.1 - -

- 3 widgets: (available in Unlocked version)
(i) pause/resume
(ii) turn screen off: It's like pressing the power button
(iii) turn screen off persistently: turn screen off and keep it off until power button is pressed. It's good when you have to keep the phone in your hand or while driving and do not want the screen turned on by the app. After pressing the power button it will work as before.
- Power Toggles plug-ins
- Translation: Traditional Chinese, Turkish

- - - v1.78.2 - -

- works on LG P880
- Languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Hungarian. Thank you for the translations.
- Car dock detection

Gravity Screen Off - FAQ
Gravity Screen - FAQ

[1] Q: The screen not always turns off when I put my phone into my pocket, why?
A:The proximity sensor not always accurate. It can fail recognizing some materials specially if they are very close to it. If it happen occasionally, probably it's still worth to use the sensor. But even you can eliminate the accidental turning on by selecting the False Turn On Protection option.

[2] Q: The Table Sensor not really works for me when I place my phone onto a table face down, why?
A: This issue is quite common. The first problem is that the free version is limited at 10 degree. If you are turning your phone fast downward the proximity sensor is activated only when it's very close to the table. Many proximity sensors cannot judge distance accurate if the object is too close to it. This is the reason the screen remains on often. And even more the reliability of the sensor depends partly on the material as well. Thus if you are using the free version it's recommended to place your phone onto a table not too fast and try to keep it parallel to it. The paid version allows you to increase the angle and by this the problem is significantly reduced. Moreover, the problem can be reduced by selecting the False Turn On Protection option.

[3] Q: Why does the Lying Face Up feature turn the screen off regardless I'm tapping the screen?
A: Due to Android security restrictions a running service cannot detect if the screen was tapped. If you want to continue using the device you have to swipe over the proximity sensor to keep it on or turn it back on.

[4] Q: I'm experiencing high battery usage, why?
A: The app should use about 6 percent extra energy per day if you are not using too much the Turn Screen On by Motion feature. If you frequently lay your phone face up on a table and the Turn Screen On by Motion Timeout is too long, the battery consumption can be much higher. Because the CPU has to be constantly analyzing the data of to acceleration sensor to catch the movement when you lift up the device. Thus if you want to reduce the battery usage it's recommended to keep your phone often lying face down when it's on a table. Because in this situation the proximity sensor is responsible for turning the screen back on which uses much less energy. Moreover, please, keep in mind that the android en-built battery consumption measurement can show much higher results, because it shows the battery usage relatively to another apps. If the phone was not in use or the measurement period was short, it looks like my app uses too much energy however there was not too much energy used all together.

[5] Q: The Keep Screen On by Motion feature does not work for me, why?
A: On some device this feature works only if the Booster checkbox is ticked.

[6] Q: The Turn Screen On by Motion feature does not work for me, why?
A: It's likely that your device is stopping the acceleration sensor when the screen goes off and we can do nothing about it unfortunately. For example: Note 2, Note 3. More info: If it's the case for you, please turn the feature off to reduce battery usage.

[7] Q: The screen turns off in landscape mode, why?
A: This issue has many different solutions. You can make the Pocket Sensor Angle smaller or if you have the Any Direction feature ticket, you can pause the GS app temporally. There are two ways to pause it: 1. using the Locale plug-in by Tasker or Llama; 2. using the Exclude apps list in the Free version of GS.

[8] Q: It gives me a huuuge wakelok, why?
A: The wakelock is necessary for the "Turn Screen On by Motion" feature but if you turn the screen off through the proximity sensor (i.e. put it into your pocket or place face down onto a table) there won't be wakelock held. So if you want to reduce the wakelock try to keep your phone face down. Moreover, you can limit it by the Timeout scrollbar as well but this means you will loose the feature after the timeout you set.

[9] Q: I'm prompted for my pass code immediately after screen turns on. However my Secure Screen Lock is delayed. What can I do?
A: I can recommend to try the Menu - Delayed Lock features or if no luck, you can try this app as well:

[10] Q: It makes a buzzing sound when listening to music and stuff. Can you turn it off?
A: Due to a hardware problem the proximity sensor is causing the buzzing noise on Nexus 4 when it's active.
At the moment I can recommend some changes in the settings. If you turn on the Headset support and connect your headphone, you are able to turn off the "Turn Screen Off by Proximity" and "Turn Screen On by Proximity" features independently from the state when headphone is not connected. The app will remember this and always turn off the proximity sensor when headphone is connected.

[11] Q: Can you translate the app to my language?
A: At the moment I can give you the text of the app to translate it with a translator to your language to understand more the features.

[12] Q: Will you add an option to scheduled the app to stop it for night hours?
A: Not really. If you leave your phone for a long time somewhere just leave it face down. It's like turning off the app, but you will get the auto screen on when you lift it up.

[13] Q: Why my alarm clock does not work?
A: Unfortunately many alarm clocks cancel the alarm when the screen turns off. It can happen if you leave your phone face down at night and my app turns the screen back off when the alarm goes off. The app is trying to detect the alarm event and pause itself, but it's not possible with all alarm clock apps. Thus it's strongly recommended to test your alarm clock with this app.
You can solve this problem by using a well written alarm clock, for example:

[14] Q: The screen turns on during driving. How to avoid it?
A: The simplest method is to pause the app before driving. There are different widgets in the app for this. Or if you are driving often you can use the False Turn On Protection in Hand & Car but this option has some disadvantages. A more advanced method can be to pause the app when the phone is connected to the car by bluetooth and resumed when disconnected. You can do this by Llama via the Locale plug-in.

[15] Q: The notification not responding/disappearing when I try to pause/resume the app from the notification area, why?
A: Please try to un-tick the NOTIFICATION -> LOW PRIORITY option in the app. It should solve the problem.

[B][16] Q: What are the widgets for:
(i) pause/resume
(ii) turn screen off: It's like pressing the power button
(iii) turn screen off persistently: turn screen off and keep it off until power button is pressed. It's good when the phone is moving but you do not want it to turn on.


- make sure the app is installed on internal memory card; external sd cards can cause many kind of problems
- if it looks like the app stopped working correctly do an uninstall, re-install and a reboot.

Source : XDA

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